Collaboration with Municipalities

Pursuant to the provisions of Article 42 paragraph 4 of the Law on Extended Responsibility of the Producer for the Management of Special Waste Streams “Official Gazette of RSM” number 215/21 and Article 52 of the Law on Management of Additional Waste Streams “Official Gazette of RSM” Number 215/21 and in accordance with the Law on Extended Responsibility of the Manufacturer for the Management of Special Waste Streams and the Law on the Management of Additional Waste Streams, TEXOMAK and the municipalities listed below cooperate on projects of mutual interest in order to provide collection points and centers that will be arranged in such a way that it will be possible for the end users to leave the textile waste, even in the event that the takeover of the textile waste is not ensured, directly with the end users or with the last suppliers.

Both contracting parties undertake to inform the public and end users in an appropriate way about the purpose and objectives of the collection as well as the correct handling of textile waste, the possibilities of free delivery and return, the possibilities for recycling and processing of textile waste, as well as the addresses for collection points and centers in municipalities where textile waste is collected.

Municipality of Bosilovo

Municipality of Prilep