“TEKSOMAK” d.o.o. Skopje, was founded on 26.12.2023 and obtained Permit for handling textile waste issued by the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning. “TEKSOMAK” is a company that promotes, coordinates and finances activities for the selective collection, sorting and recycling of textile waste. “TEKSOMAK” is open for cooperation with all companies that have a legal obligation to establish a textile waste management system (manufacturers and importers of textile products).
“TEKSOMAK” is a company whose core business is textile waste management according to the “polluter pays” principle and in accordance with the Law on Extended Producer Responsibility for managing special flows in order to meet national environmental goals.
In accordance with the Law on Extended Responsibility of manufacturer for the management of special flows, which entered into force on 17.09.2021, all companies that produce or import textile products, have an obligation and place them on the Macedonian market, to organize a system that will collect, select and recycle their textile waste that occurs after the consumption of their products by the final consumers.
The obligation does not apply only to a manufacturer who released annually to the Macedonian market or imported into the Republic of North Macedonia less than 10 kg of textiles in accordance with Article 20 of the Law on the Management of Additional Waste Streams.
The mission of Teksomak is to collect the selected textile waste from the industry and the citizens of Macedonia through the creation of infrastructure, education and cooperation with all stakeholders of the textile value chain, which will contribute to the preservation of a healthy environment.
Vision: To reduce the amount of textile waste in Macedonia by promoting individual and social responsibility and education for the collection, recycling and reuse of textile waste.
The main obligation is to establish a system for the management of textile waste in accordance with the principles of environmental protection and with the valid legal regulations in RNM, as well as with international standards.
With the collected financial resources, TEKSOMAK will:
subsidizes licensed companies that perform selection, collection and transportation of textile waste. With this, the textile waste will be ready for reuse, recycling, creation of innovative products and energy value.
invests in infrastructure - installation of appropriate containers for the selection of textile waste and textile products.
organizes educational campaigns in schools with the aim of inculcating a cultural and environmental mentality among children from an early age.
organizes media campaigns to motivate and inform citizens how important the correct selection of textiles and textile waste is and to raise awareness that it is a valuable resource.
соработува со сите општини на територијата на РСМ со што ќе придонесе за зачувување на животна средина и здравјето на граѓаните.
According to the law, the company that has concluded an Agreement with a collective agent has the obligation to prepare and submit to the collective agent:
Waste is a global problem that has serious implications for the economy, the environment and overall living. The traditional economy, which is based on the principle: take, make, use, throw away and pollute, is a model that many countries are abandoning and replacing it with a new regenerative approach called circular economy, a closed circular process that at every stage takes care of the waste that should be reduce, recycle and reuse.
From January 1, 2024, the Law on the Management of Additional Waste Streams enters into force. This law regulates the requirements for the protection of the environment and human health by preventing or reducing the negative impacts from the creation and handling of waste textiles, tires, oils and vehicles, which must be met during the production of textiles, tires, oils and vehicles and collection, reuse, treatment, processing and disposal of the waste generated by them during their lifetime, as well as other issues related to the handling of waste textiles, tires, oils and vehicles by economic operators and other subjects who participate in the production procedures and handling them.
The basic objectives of this law are:
The law brings major changes in the practical handling of waste and imposes serious obligations on producers, consumers and local authorities, it provides for the prevention of the creation of textile waste, its burning and the taking of waste textiles and rubber from a merchant. The law provides for the obligations of the mayor, as well as “The end user, who creates waste textiles, is obliged to collect and store the created waste textiles separately from mixed municipal waste or other types of waste and hand it over to a merchant, collector of waste products or in collection center or other locations”. .
Register, report textile waste every month and get a free Verified Responsible Textile Manufacturer/Importer badge!
Collaboration between TEKSOMAK and municipalities on projects of mutual interest with the aim of providing collection points for leaving textile waste, activities and education of the end users and the public on the handling of textile waste.
Yes, if you are the first importer of the finished textile products and you place them on the MKD market, this legal obligation applies to you, in accordance with the Law on extended responsibility of the producer for the management of special waste streams, Article 2 Application of the law paragraph 1 and the Law on the management of additional streams of waste Article 5 Application of the law
“Manufacturer” is any legal entity or natural person who, regardless of the way in which they carry out sales, including sales by means of distance communication that is governed by consumer protection regulations:
– produces products from Article 5 paragraph (1) of the Law on the Management of Additional Waste Streams and puts them on the market in the Republic of North Macedonia for the first time or on a professional basis, for the purpose of carrying out its activity, imports into the Republic of North Macedonia and for the first time puts on the market the products from Article 5 paragraph (1) of the Law on the Management of Additional Waste Streams,
– as an end user, for his own needs, he imports products from Article 5 paragraph (1) of the Law on the Management of Additional Waste Streams without an intermediary,
– on a professional basis imports used products from Article 5 paragraph (1) of the Law on the Management of Additional Waste Streams and releases them for the first time in the Republic of North Macedonia
– is established in another country and sells products from Article 5 paragraph (1) of the Law on the Management of Additional Waste Streams directly to end users in the Republic of North Macedonia through remote communication.
Pursuant to the Law on the Management of Additional Waste Streams Article 19 Register of Producers.
The following documents are submitted to the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning:
-Request for registration (the same should be completed with data from the company, and in point 8.4, the quantities of textile products that your company released on the MK market in 2023 should be listed by categorization and in kg.
– current state
– payment slip of 50 denars
– agreement with Collective operator for textile waste.
“Collective operator” is a non-profit legal entity, founded by at least two producers, which holds a permit for a collective operator for the management of a special waste stream issued by the expert authority in accordance with the provisions of the Law on extended producer responsibility for the management of special waste streams, as well as the regulation that governs the management of that waste stream and which, on behalf of the producers, who are members or founders of the collective operator, for a certain fee, undertakes their obligations for extended responsibility related to the management of special waste streams. The collective operator in its operation in the management of special waste streams applies the provisions of the Law on extended responsibility of the producer for the management of special waste streams, as well as the provisions of the regulations on waste management and the regulations on special waste streams.
Entities that manage waste are obliged to possess a permit for waste management if:
1) collect and transport waste;
2) store waste or
3) process or recycle waste in stationary or mobile plants.
The collective agent for textile waste has a license for collective action and must not possess any other permit than the ones listed above.
The report is prepared for textile products that are placed on the Macedonian market. The report is a legally expanded form, in which quantities in pieces and kilograms are entered by type of textile products.
The report is prepared on a monthly basis.
The delivery of the report to the Collective Administrator can be done on a monthly or quarterly basis.
Reports are submitted no later than the 15th of the current month for the previous month/quarter.
The producer who puts on the market in the Republic of North Macedonia products from article 5 paragraph (1) of the Law on the management of additional waste streams, is obliged to pay a fee for the management of waste products. Pursuant to Article 23 Fee from the Law on Management of Additional Waste Streams.
The compensation for textile products is calculated in pieces and m2, which are released on the Macedonian market, based on the report submitted by the textile manufacturer.
The compensation is the same for all contract manufacturers.
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